Who's identity is given away in Post 84

2Timothy 2:17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is hymenaeus and philetus;

18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some

Canker, gaggraina / Strongs # 1044 1) a gangrene, a disease / Greek Gematria 172

Banned in Post #84 @ 10:44 =  Isn' t GOD Good, Praise His Name > note Richard changed the time on his site to 9:44

The issue was openly brought out by me  in post # 39 & Richard acknowledges that in post  # 43 compare what he says in this post, with what he says in #84

 I know richard is dense, but really now...go to the bottom of page 8 post 77 turn,  panah, the real reason richard now suddenly remembers me...it was the same the last time, he accused me of setting that date, i learned that day long after it was set, then only considered it because i live on the border of San Diego, and God was giving  to me all kinds of witnesses to July 8, But not the year... now everything fits with the Feast Days/ appointed Times of YHWH, not just one date, which now is a critical date with Mountains of evidence pointing to This Year....so, what was being discovered in 2008 was Key, but not even close to the Proof given now...

i quit gematria in June of 2008 and didnt pick it up again until 11/2009 - only because i was shown so many things the first time around that i could not ignore/ when He led me back the second time, that is when He showed me the Hebrew connection to the English and so so so much more.

from biblewheel

But on the upside, Watchman232 did apologise on his site (what else could he do?). Here's what he wrote on one of his many websites: post 26

That site belonged to Stephen, his  e-mail is in post # 39 above / i posted material from their site, see opening post, that  work was done Entirely by Stephen/ i just learned of gematria two months earlier. california calamity was his site...i had started the 144 consecutive work on Zionswatchman and the 144,000 site at that time.

Ross Verba the x Green Bay Packer # 78  in post #39 is able to confirm this is the truth...

what i was being shown was far different than either Stephen or Ross... i thank them for the warning and introducing me to gematria...

so in closing

I never apologized to anyone for anything, so why  is richard intentionally being ignorant of all these facts, because he has been caught in the snare of the devil 2 Timothy 2:26 , the preterist chapter

Baruch Ha Shem

New discoveries  will continue at the bottom of Hoshana Rabbah #1